Customer Service Operation Philippines


Hi I'm Lian. I created this blog to share to my fellow countrymen how important customer service is in every business.

I'm a BS Tourism Management graduate from PUP. A course related to hospitality industry. I had my on-job-training while I was a student in two of many service oriented companies in the Philippines. And these two companies are not just known for their products, concept and infrastructure, but of customer service as well.

Then, I got to work with a fast-paced food industry as back-of-the-house staff. And though, I am working at the back, I have seen and witnessed how stressful working in-front is. So as much as possible, when I was applying to other companies, I was trying to avoid stressful positions.

But, when I got to work overseas, I didn't know that part of the job that I applied for is working in front. It's like you will never get to work at the back, if you haven't experienced working in front. So, I had no choice.

It wasn't easy, really. But the company I had worked for is a company that values customer service so much. They know that working in front, face-to-face with the customers, as customer service assistant is not easy, and so, they have provided their employees regular trainings on customer service. 

When I got home, back for good, here in Philippines, I can't help but compare the service we were providing abroad to the service I was receiving here. "What happened?" I asked myself. I know working in front is stressful, but let's face the fact that businesses or establishments are not created equal, therefore, less-stressful establishments have no reason not to render good and quality customer service. After all, there is no business if there is no customer.

In this blog, I aim to share and educate:

  • You (those who are interested to hone their customer service skills)
  • The employers (you cannot teach what you do not know)
  • The employees (you are the face of the company)

I believe, customer service is one of the few aspects of a successful business.

And I hope that through this blog, I may able to help you. 

As I end this post, let me share few Bible verses to be reminded of:

Colossians 3:23 ESV
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. 

Matthew 7:24 NIV
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 

Luke 6:31 CEB
Treat people in the same way that you want them to treat you. 
